I have been contacted several times from various blog fans demanding more pictures of Adam. *Feigns weariness under the strain of demands and looks left and right to take stock of tiny fan base.* Ah, so just the family then. Well then this demand makes perfect sense... Alright, you want updated pictures of Adam? Here is an entire post dedicated to Adam!
A Day in the Life of Adam....
On the days my hubby doesn't bike to work, we wake bright and early so we can drive Troy to work. (That way we have the car for the days there are errands to run) After dropping him off at base, our day begins.
Bath time! One of the first events of the day, and one of Adam's favorite. He'll kick and splash around for up to an hour before he gets bored. We think he's going to be a swimmer ;) Since the washer and dryer are in the same room, I can get laundry washed and folded all while he kicks around in the bath next to me. It's a great deal. |
After bath, breakfast, and taking his daily medicine, it's time for a morning nap |
When he wakes, it's time for a workout, "Tummy Time". Here he practices lifting his head, building strength in his neck, back, and shoulders. We try to do this about twice daily, until he's tired out. |
Sometimes we go to market to pick up fresh food for dinner. Here I am feeding him on-the-go as I walk back from a shop in our town. |
Other times we'll go for morning walks around the countryside or through the town.
Sometimes he'll hang out in the Jumper (which can move from room to room!) while mommy does chores. |
Each day we almost always have some sort of event or activity to go to.
Sometimes we visit with friends. |
Here we are learning infant massage techniques to soothe baby. (Adam is at the very bottom, eating his outfit...) |
During Italian "Riposo" (like siesta) we nap
After picking my hubby up from work, Adam will often spend the evenings hanging out with his daddy.
Sometimes we'll go for an evening walk. (And sometimes it includes gelato! For us, not for Adam...) |
Books are important, and either mom or dad reads Adam one nearly every day.
After reading it's time for bed. This is usually where he starts out... but often times he ends the night snuggling with mom and dad.
Sweet dreams little one <3 |
So beautiful. I'm so happy for you.