Friday, May 3, 2013

Life updates :)

            I apologize for my lack of posts in recent weeks. We have been sick the past two weeks and as such, I opted to do little more than the necessities. Blogging, I've found, is rather like essay writing in that it is quite time consuming to even get out a single coherent page, and we spent all our free time napping. I also find that we are doing so much, I have so many topics and find myself scattered. If you could see how many posts I have saved drafts of, it's rather ridiculous. I hope to back track and fill in the gaps, but who knows if that will happen, so my aim is to briefly catch you up with this post.

Recent Travels:
-       More hikes! (before we were sick, that is) 

Hiking with a friend from hubby's work. They found stout walking sticks for our journey of exploration. 
Me, doing double duty here. Waters, sunscreen, snacks, etc on back, baby on the front. 

We have such a cheerful baby! He's such a happer camper everywhere we go. Here he is in the Infantino carrier, loving exploring nature. 

-       I went back to Nove!!! (In case you missed that, it's here: Nove) I went with a different group of girls and we visited shops I hadn't gotten to see before. Along with a beautiful tea set, I procured this hand made, painted piggy bank for Adam. It was only 8!

 - Badminton! My DH and I took surveys and each personally rated long lists of hobbies/activities. We then matched up our highest personal ratings and picked the ones with mutual high ratings, giving us a variety of new activities that we both enjoy, one of them being badminton. So, we purchased and set up a badminton net in our yard and we play every time the sun shines. Adam refs for us from his bouncer in the shade ;) We have played so much that we have mangled several birdies and started wearing brown spots in the yard. We now have to move the net weekly so we don't ruin our grass. Thankfully the big yard gives us many options for new locations!

Here's a picture of part of our front yard. All the trees are growing leaves now that spring has arrived! This is so much more thrilling than watching the Arizona cacti do... nothing -_-
The two of us after a date night.
Bingo and then Gelato sundaes!

-       Gelato shop RIGHT behind our house!!! (There’s a yard and a park in between us and the shop, so we didn’t find it till a week ago) We now frequent it… often.
-       Italian Movie Theater that plays movies in English. (And yes, we got Iron Man 3 before the states did. Woohoo!)

-       Baby chicks in the yard! The landlords have also been giving us fresh brown eggs. Yum!
-       Recipes we’ve discovered.
-       Plants in our gardens
-       New friends! Always meeting more lovely people here.
-       Developments with PKU, hope to post about that soon…
-       Sounds Adam is making (and every one is more adorable than the last, naturally) He likes to talk to his dad about his day, and sometimes he’ll brief his toys too.

-       My DH volunteers weekly at the middle school on base, tutoring students who need help with their studies. He is mainly helping with math and has been enjoying the experience thus far.
-       Together we volunteered in childcare at church. We had 10 babies under the age of three in our care… that was fun.
-       I have various clubs I am a part of now, and here I am below volunteering at one of the club's fund raising booths at the Primavera Bazaar on base. (The bazaar was also an interesting experience. Numerous Italian vendors traveled for the three day weekend event and set up in one of the large hangars on the flight line)

Naturally, my LO (little one) who goes with me
everywhere assisted me at the booth and put out
the cuteness factor. I think he definitely
helped boost sales ;)
We got a lot of questions like "So... are you guys
selling breast milk?" and, "What do you do at club
meetings?" haha. 

-       Troy is studying for the WAPS (a big test) that he has on May 29th! If he does well, he will be promoted to Staff Sergeant! [so excited! He’s been studying hard every day. Prayers and well wishes appreciated :) ]
-       My friend and I were training for a marathon (they have one in November in, wait for it... Marathon, Greece. No big deal, right? Just the origin city of the marathon...) But due to a strained IT band and knee pain from a former Ultimate Frisbee injury, it’s been put on hold and the doc put me in physical therapy. Hoping to get it healed and back on track so I can do the marathon in November!
-       Adam is growing so big! I have had to pack up his 3-month-old sized clothing and pull out the 6-month-old sizes. He has also been working on rolling over and sitting up by himself. He has made good progress, but nothing official to report yet.

-       Starting another blog, or perhaps designating certain days for certain things on this blog… thoughts? For instance, I could start a separate blog for our food, crafting, and house endeavors, leaving this one solely for travel and Italy related living, or I could simply do a “food Friday” post or something on this one in an attempt to make it more organized. I've noticed other blogs generally stick to a sole topic. JUST travel, or JUST workout tips, etc, so I feel like I’m trying to cram too many topics into one all inclusive blog, and that it might be better to make subcategories by way of other blogs… though it can be hard enough to keep up on one… lol. Thoughts? And what of the bigger font? Some said it was rather small before... will be continually tweaking. give me feedback :)

Anyway, that is some of what we've been up to lately. I hope this will satiate until we are fully recovered and I find the time to write up decent posts. Be back soon!

oh, and here's a funny for you that made me snicker

aw come on, I don't get any points for doing it while sick? ;) haha


  1. Personally I love the variety of your posts!
    Aunt Joyce

    1. Thank you for your input! Since you're probably one of three who read this, I guess I'll keep it that way ;) I may try the idea of designating certain days to certain topics to help myself feel more organized... Lol

  2. Your blog is sticking to one topic. The Adventures of Shiloh. That works for me.

  3. I like all the different stories on the one site otherwise I'll have to hunt all over the internet for your other blogs. Though I suppose you would have links. I guess with everything on one site then that makes it more of a personal family blog vs a blog to help other military families move to Italy. I'm sure that was no help at all.
    Uncle Ron
